About me

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Zheyu obtained Master degree in Msc Advanced Computing from the Imperial College London in 2019, supervised by Dr Anandha Gopalan. Before that, he received B.E. degree of Software Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Luo Zhong. Zheyu worked as an Applied Scientist Intern supervised by Dr Xingjian Shi in Amazon Web Services (AWS)’s AI Lab Shanghai in the group of GluonNLP lead by Dr. Mu Li and Dr. Alex Smola. He is also a member of DMLC, constantly contributing to the open-source community of deep learning. Recently, Zheyu started his full-time job as a Machine Learning Engineer in Trip.com in the group of Semantic Application lead by Jianxun Ju.

His research interest locates in Natural Language Processing, especially in Question Answering and Machine Translation.