A Survey of Existing Transfromer variants
现有Transfromer中的multi-head self-attention机制会消耗大量空间时间资源来计算相似度矩阵(attention matrix), 与文本长度L^2成正比. 自从Transformer以及BERT面世以来,NLP社区已经涌现了一大堆方法来解决这个问题的复杂性,这篇文章对其中promising的, 有借鉴意义的几个方向数十种方法做了一个简要的罗列.
- Memory caching
- Transformer-XL [Dai et al., 2019]
- 将前段segment作为当前segment的输入
- 相对位置编码
- Transformer-XL [Dai et al., 2019]
- Restrict to local neighborhoods
- Image Transformer [Parmar et al., 2018]
- Structural Prior
- Sparsity:
- Sparse Transformer [Child et al., 2019]
- Sparse attention通过计算一个sequence中有限的相似度评分,而不是计算所有可能的相似度评分,从而减少了计算时间和注意机制的内存需求,从而得到一个稀疏矩阵而不是一个完整矩阵. 这些稀疏的条目可能是手动定制的, 或者随机的.
- 让每个位的 token 去注意重要的局部(对角线附近),而不是整个序列,从而把稀疏性引入注意力层
- Sparse Transformer [Child et al., 2019]
- Compression:
- Compressive Transformer [Rae et al., 2020]
- 以stack的形式存储: 丢弃最老的compressed memory, 对最老的n个状态进行压缩加入
- Compressive Transformer [Rae et al., 2020]
- Clustering:
- Routing Transformer [Roy et al., 2020]
- 公共的随机权重矩阵对Query和Key的值进行投影
- K-means聚类
- Reformer [Kitaev et al., 2020]
- 局部敏感性哈希(LSH, Locality sensitive hashing)
- Chunking 并行计算
- Reversible Residual Network
- Routing Transformer [Roy et al., 2020]
- Sliding windows:
- Longformer [Beltagy et al., 2020]
- 窗口化的局部上下文的self attention + 由终端任务激活的全局attention
- Longformer [Beltagy et al., 2020]
- Truncated targeting:
- Faster transformer [Chelba et al., 2020]
- Low-rank kernels substituting softmax:
- Transformers are RNNs [Katharopoulos et al., 2020]
Efficient Attention [Shen et al., 2018]
- Linformer [Wang et al., 2020]
- 自注意力是低秩的
- Linearly Approximation, 奇异值分解 SVD 近似低秩矩阵, 有偏估计
- Performer [Choromanski et al., 2020]
- Fast Attention Via positive Orthogonal Random features (FAVOR+).
- 在线性复杂度下通过随机特征实现对于任意注意力矩阵的有效近似. 是一种scalable kernel methods, 完全兼容所有regular Transformers.
- Provably accurate (unbiased) estimation, uniform convergence, low variance.
- Linear complexity.
- Do not rely on any priors.
- Sparsity:
Limitations of Existing variants before Performer
- Do not approximate regular attention
- Simpler and more tractable attention.
- 主要针对Transformer models和generative pre-training进行优化
- 通常会叠加更多的attention layers来弥补稀疏表示,可复用性低
- Lack or theoretical guarantees for the representation power.
Beltagy, I., Peters, M. E., and Cohan, A. (2020). Longformer: The longdocument transformer. Child, R., Gray, S., Radford, A., and Sutskever, I. (2019). Generating long sequences with sparse transformers.
Choromanski, K., Likhosherstov, V., Dohan, D., Song, X., Gane, A., Sarlos, T., Hawkins, P., Davis, J., Mohiuddin, A., Kaiser, L., Belanger, D., Colwell, L., and Weller, A. (2020). Rethinking attention with performers.
Dai, Z., Yang, Z., Yang, Y., Carbonell, J., Le, Q., and Salakhutdinov, R. (2019). Transformer-xl: Attentive language models beyond a fixed-length context. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
Katharopoulos, A., Vyas, A., Pappas, N., and Fleuret, F. (2020). Transformers are rnns: Fast autoregressive transformers with linear attention.
Kitaev, N., Kaiser, L., and Levskaya, A. (2020). Reformer: The efficient transformer. In International Conference on Learning Representations.
Parmar, N., Vaswani, A., Uszkoreit, J., Lukasz Kaiser, Shazeer, N., Ku, A., and Tran, D. (2018). Image transformer.
Rae, J. W., Potapenko, A., Jayakumar, S. M., and Lillicrap, T. P. (2019). Compressive transformers for long-range sequence modelling.
Roy, A., Saffar, M., Vaswani, A., and Grangier, D. (2020). Efficient contentbased sparse attention with routing transformers.
Wang, S., Li, B. Z., Khabsa, M., Fang, H., and Ma, H. (2020). Linformer: Self-attention with linear complexity.